module Data.Bson.Binary
( putField
, getField
, putDocument
, getDocument
, putArray
, getArray
, putBinary
, getBinary
, putObjectId
, getObjectId
, putUtcTime
, getUtcTime
, putRegexOptions
, getRegexOptions
, putJsWithScope
, getJsWithScope
, putCString
, getCString
, putString
, getString
) where
#include "bson.h"
import Prelude hiding (length, concat)
import Control.Applicative (pure, (<$>), (<*>), (*>))
import Data.Binary (get, put)
import Data.Binary.Get (Get, runGet, getWord8, getWord16le,
getWord32le, getWord64le, getLazyByteStringNul,
getLazyByteString, getByteString, lookAhead)
import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut, putWord8, putWord16le, putWord32le,
putWord64le, putLazyByteString, putByteString)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, (.|.))
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime, utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.Binary as Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Data.Binary.IEEE754 (getFloat64le, putFloat64le)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int (decimal)
import Data.Word.Word24 (Word24)
import qualified Data.BitSet.Word as BitSet
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TE
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import qualified Data.UUID as UUID
import Data.Bson.Types (Document, Array, Label, Value(..),
Binary(..), ObjectId(..),
RegexOption(..), RegexOptions)
import qualified Data.Bson.Document as Doc
instance Binary.Binary Document where
put = putDocument
get = getDocument
putField :: Label -> Value -> Put
putField key value = do
putWord8 tag
putCString key
(tag, payload) = case value of
ValueDouble a -> (BSON_DOUBLE, putFloat64le a)
ValueString a -> (BSON_STRING, putString a)
ValueDocument a -> (BSON_DOCUMENT, putDocument a)
ValueArray a -> (BSON_ARRAY, putArray a)
ValueBinary a -> (BSON_BINARY, putBinary a)
ValueObjectId a -> (BSON_OID, putObjectId a)
ValueBool False -> (BSON_BOOLEAN, putWord8 0)
ValueBool True -> (BSON_BOOLEAN, putWord8 1)
ValueUtcTime a -> (BSON_UTC, putUtcTime a)
ValueNull -> (BSON_NULL, return ())
ValueRegex a b ->
(BSON_REGEX, putCString a >> putRegexOptions b)
ValueJavascript a -> (BSON_JS, putString a)
ValueJavascriptWithScope a b ->
(BSON_JS_WITH_SCOPE, putJsWithScope a b)
ValueInt32 a -> (BSON_INT32, putWord32le $ fromIntegral a)
ValueInt64 a -> (BSON_INT64, putWord64le $ fromIntegral a)
ValueTimestamp a -> (BSON_TIMESTAMP, putWord64le $ fromIntegral a)
ValueMin -> (BSON_MIN, return ())
ValueMax -> (BSON_MAX, return ())
getField :: Get (Label, Value)
getField = do
tag <- getWord8
key <- getCString
value <- case tag of
BSON_DOUBLE -> ValueDouble <$> getFloat64le
BSON_STRING -> ValueString <$> getString
BSON_DOCUMENT -> ValueDocument <$> getDocument
BSON_ARRAY -> ValueArray <$> getArray
BSON_BINARY -> ValueBinary <$> getBinary
BSON_OID -> ValueObjectId <$> getObjectId
BSON_BOOLEAN -> ValueBool <$> getBool
BSON_UTC -> ValueUtcTime <$> getUtcTime
BSON_NULL -> return ValueNull
BSON_REGEX -> ValueRegex <$> getCString <*> getRegexOptions
BSON_JS -> ValueJavascript <$> getString
BSON_JS_WITH_SCOPE -> uncurry ValueJavascriptWithScope <$> getJsWithScope
BSON_INT32 -> ValueInt32 . fromIntegral <$> getWord32le
BSON_INT64 -> ValueInt64 . fromIntegral <$> getWord64le
BSON_TIMESTAMP -> ValueTimestamp . fromIntegral <$> getWord64le
BSON_MIN -> return ValueMin
BSON_MAX -> return ValueMax
_ -> fail $ printf "Invalid BSON tag: %i" tag
return (key, value)
putAsDocument :: Put -> Put
putAsDocument p = do
putWord32le $ fromIntegral $ L.length bytes + 5
putLazyByteString bytes
putWord8 0x00
bytes = runPut p
putDocument :: Document -> Put
putDocument doc = putAsDocument $ Doc.foldlWithKey' f (return ()) doc
f a k v = a *> putField k v
getDocument :: Get Document
getDocument = do
l <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le
bytes <- getLazyByteString $ l 4
return $ Doc.fromList $ runGet getFields bytes
getFields = lookAhead getWord8 >>= \done -> if done == 0
then return []
else (:) <$> getField
<*> getFields
putArray :: Array -> Put
putArray array = putAsDocument $ Vector.zipWithM_ putField inf array
inf = Vector.generate (Vector.length array) intToText
getArray :: Get Array
getArray = getDocument >>= \doc ->
return $ Vector.generate (Doc.size doc) (f doc)
f doc i = Doc.lookupDefault ValueNull (intToText i) doc
putBinary :: Binary -> Put
putBinary binary = do
putWord32le $ fromIntegral $ S.length payload
putWord8 tag
putByteString payload
(tag, payload) = case binary of
BinaryGeneric a -> (BSON_GENERIC_BINARY, a)
BinaryFunction a -> (BSON_FUNCTION, a)
BinaryUuid a -> (BSON_UUID, lazyByteStringToStrict $ UUID.toByteString a)
BinaryMd5 a -> (BSON_MD5, a)
BinaryUserDefined a -> (BSON_USER_DEFINED_BINARY, a)
getBinary :: Get Binary
getBinary = do
len <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le
tag <- getWord8
bytes <- getByteString len
case tag of
BSON_GENERIC_BINARY -> return $ BinaryGeneric bytes
BSON_FUNCTION -> return $ BinaryFunction bytes
BSON_BINARY_OLD -> return $ BinaryGeneric bytes
BSON_UUID_OLD -> mkUuid bytes
BSON_UUID -> mkUuid bytes
BSON_MD5 -> return $ BinaryMd5 bytes
BSON_USER_DEFINED_BINARY -> return $ BinaryUserDefined bytes
_ -> fail $ printf "Invalid BSON binary subtype: %i" tag
mkUuid bytes = case UUID.fromByteString $ strictByteStringToLazy bytes of
Just uuid -> return $ BinaryUuid uuid
Nothing -> fail "Invalid BSON binary uuid"
putObjectId :: ObjectId -> Put
putObjectId ObjectId { .. } = do
putWord32le objectIdTime
putWord24le objectIdMachine
putWord16le objectIdPid
putWord24le objectIdInc
getObjectId :: Get ObjectId
getObjectId = ObjectId <$> getWord32le
<*> getWord24le
<*> getWord16le
<*> getWord24le
putUtcTime :: UTCTime -> Put
putUtcTime time = putWord64le $ round $ utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds time * 1000
getUtcTime :: Get UTCTime
getUtcTime = do
time <- fromIntegral <$> getWord64le
return $ posixSecondsToUTCTime $ fromInteger $ time `div` 1000
putRegexOptions :: RegexOptions -> Put
putRegexOptions opts = BitSet.foldl' f (pure ()) opts *> putWord8 0x00
f a v = (put $ match v) *> a
match RegexOptionCaseInsensitive = 'i'
match RegexOptionLocaleDependent = 'l'
match RegexOptionMultiline = 'm'
match RegexOptionDotall = 's'
match RegexOptionUnicode = 'u'
match RegexOptionVerbose = 'x'
getRegexOptions :: Get RegexOptions
getRegexOptions = fmap (L.foldl' f BitSet.empty) getLazyByteStringNul
f c = flip BitSet.insert c . match
match 'i' = RegexOptionCaseInsensitive
match 'l' = RegexOptionLocaleDependent
match 'm' = RegexOptionMultiline
match 's' = RegexOptionDotall
match 'u' = RegexOptionUnicode
match 'x' = RegexOptionVerbose
match v = error $ printf "Invalind BSON regex option: %c" v
putJsWithScope :: Text -> Document -> Put
putJsWithScope code document = do
putWord32le $ fromIntegral $ L.length bytes + 4
putLazyByteString bytes
bytes = runPut $ do
putString code
putDocument document
getJsWithScope :: Get (Text, Document)
getJsWithScope = do
len <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le
bytes <- getLazyByteString $ len 4
return $ flip runGet bytes $ do
code <- getString
document <- getDocument
return (code, document)
putCString :: Text -> Put
putCString s = do
putByteString $ TE.encodeUtf8 s
putWord8 0x00
getCString :: Get Text
getCString = TE.decodeUtf8 . S.concat . L.toChunks <$> getLazyByteStringNul
putString :: Text -> Put
putString s = let bytes = TE.encodeUtf8 s in do
putWord32le $ fromIntegral (S.length bytes + 1)
putByteString bytes
putWord8 0x00
getString :: Get Text
getString = do
len <- fromIntegral <$> getWord32le
payload <- getByteString $ len 1
getWord8 >>= \z -> case z of
0x00 -> return $ TE.decodeUtf8 payload
_ -> fail "BSON string is not NULL terminated"
getBool :: Get Bool
getBool = getWord8 >>= \v -> case v of
0x00 -> return False
0x01 -> return True
_ -> fail $ printf "Invalind BSON boolean: %i" v
putWord24le :: Word24 -> Put
putWord24le w = do
putWord8 $ fromIntegral w
putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ shiftR w 8
putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ shiftR w 16
getWord24le :: Get Word24
getWord24le = do
b1 <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
b2 <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
b3 <- fromIntegral <$> getWord8
return $ fromInteger $ shiftL b3 16 .|. shiftL b2 8 .|. b1
intToText :: Int -> Text
intToText = TL.toStrict . TL.toLazyText . decimal
lazyByteStringToStrict :: L.ByteString -> S.ByteString
strictByteStringToLazy :: S.ByteString -> L.ByteString
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0, 10, 0)
lazyByteStringToStrict = L.toStrict
strictByteStringToLazy = L.fromStrict
lazyByteStringToStrict = S.concat . L.toChunks
strictByteStringToLazy = L.fromChunks . return